Her Room
Andrew Newell Wyeth (American, 1917 - ?)
Prints & Graphic Art
24.5 cm - 36 cm (9.65 in - 14.17 in)
"Her Room" color photolithograph, a proof of the limited edition print issued by the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine in the mid-1960s. Has several labels on back from the museum that indicate it was part of their 'Education Collection'. Also

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Summer Auction Weekend
Aug 24, 2017
Her Room
Prints & Graphic Art
24.5 cm - 36 cm (9.65 in - 14.17 in)
"Her Room" color photolithograph, a proof of the limited edition print issued by the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland, Maine in the mid-1960s. Has several labels on back from the museum that indicate it was part of their 'Education Collection'. Also

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Aug 24, 2017