A silhouette of a Naval Officer, profile to the left, wearing uniform, the buttons stamped with anchors, frilled chemise and sto
Arthur Lea (British, 1768 - 1828)
Painting on convex glass backed with plaster, oval
9.2 cm - 0 cm (3.62 in - 0 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 21/02/2006
Feb 20, 2006
A silhouette of a Naval Officer, profile to the left, wearing uniform, the buttons stamped with anchors, frilled chemise and sto
Painting on convex glass backed with plaster, oval
9.2 cm - 0 cm (3.62 in - 0 in)
Signedin to unlock
Feb 20, 2006

A silhouette of an Officer

7.6 cm - 0 cm
(2.99 in - 0 in)

A silhouette of William Browne (1775-1842)

Painting on convex glass and delineated, backed with plaster, rectangular papier-mâché frame
7.8 cm - 0 cm
(3.07 in - 0 in)

A silhouette of William Browne (1775-1842)

Painting on convex glass and delineated, backed with plaster, rectangular papier-mâché frame,oval
9.9 cm - 0 cm
(3.9 in - 0 in)

A silhouette of a young Officer, profile to the right wearing uniform

Painting on convex glass backed with plaster
0 cm - 0 cm
(0 in - 0 in)

A Naval officer and a Lady, both to sinister

Glass silhouettes (2 items)
3.75 cm - 3 cm
(1.48 in - 1.18 in)