Circle Painting #5
Robert Mangold (American, 1937 - ?)
€200,000 - €300,000
Acrylic and colored pencil on canvas
Executed in 1973.
diameter: 48 in. (121.9 cm.); signed, titled and dated 'Circle Painting #5 R. Mangold 1973' (on the reverse)

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Post-War and Contemporary Art Day Sale
May 16, 2024
Post-War & Contemporary Art
Circle Painting #5
€200,000 - €300,000
Acrylic and colored pencil on canvas
Executed in 1973.
diameter: 48 in. (121.9 cm.); signed, titled and dated 'Circle Painting #5 R. Mangold 1973' (on the reverse)

Signedin to unlock
Christie's | New York
May 16, 2024
Post-War & Contemporary Art

Four Figures (I, II, III, IV)

Conté crayon, black pencil and graphite on paper, in four parts
105.4 cm - 74.9 cm
(41.5 in - 29.49 in)

X, from Two Aquatints (Frames)

Aquatint soft ground etching and spit bite in colors on Somerset Satin paper
111.1 cm - 77.2 cm
(43.74 in - 30.39 in)

Untitled, from Skowhegan Suite

Print Woodblock print in colors on Kozo paper
60.9 cm - 40.6 cm
(23.98 in - 15.98 in)

Column Structure XII

Pastel and graphite on paper
76.8 cm - 57.2 cm
(30.24 in - 22.52 in)

Semi-Circle I-IV (4 works)

Lithograph in colors on Somerset paper
48.3 cm - 96.5 cm
(19.02 in - 37.99 in)

1, from Distorted Square Within A Circle

Screenprint in colors on Arches paper
50.7 cm - 50.7 cm
(19.96 in - 19.96 in)

Untitled, from A Book of Silkscreen Prints

Screenprint in colors on Fabriano paper
20.3 cm - 35.9 cm
(7.99 in - 14.13 in)

Untitled, from "4 x 4 x 4"

Screenprint in colors on Saunders paper
112.4 cm - 109.7 cm
(44.25 in - 43.19 in)