Fisherpeople on Tate Hill Sands' and 'Lealholme Side'
Frank Meadow Sutcliffe (after) (British, 1853 - 1941)
Print 2 pcs
Prints & Graphic Art
34 cm - 47 cm (13.39 in - 18.5 in)
Signedin to unlock
Antiques, Interiors, Silver & Jewellery
Apr 21, 2017
Fisherpeople on Tate Hill Sands' and 'Lealholme Side'
Print 2 pcs
Prints & Graphic Art
34 cm - 47 cm (13.39 in - 18.5 in)
Signedin to unlock
Apr 21, 2017

Whitby Scenes and Surrounding Areas

Print 16 items
20 cm - 26 cm
(7.87 in - 10.24 in)

Pier Road, Whitby' and 'Lealhom Hall Farm, Lealhome'

34 cm - 44 cm
(13.39 in - 17.32 in)

Dock End and the Angel Vaults Whitby

48 cm - 63 cm
(18.9 in - 24.8 in)

Water Rats

Gelatin Silver Print
12 cm - 15 cm
(4.72 in - 5.91 in)

Saturday Afternoon

Photograph 10 item
16 cm - 20 cm
(6.3 in - 7.87 in)