Transfiguration, Sounding the Horn
Imero Gobbato (1923 - ?)
Acrylic on masonite
24.8 cm - 12.8 cm (9.76 in - 5.04 in)
"Transfiguration, Sounding the Horn", acrylic on masonite, signed lower left, with bio verso from the Good Hands Gallery in Camden, Maine, with note indicating this was purchased in 1984. In black box frame with ochre liner, OS: 24 3/4" x 12 3/4", SS

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Summer Auction Weekend
Aug 24, 2017
Transfiguration, Sounding the Horn
Acrylic on masonite
24.8 cm - 12.8 cm (9.76 in - 5.04 in)
"Transfiguration, Sounding the Horn", acrylic on masonite, signed lower left, with bio verso from the Good Hands Gallery in Camden, Maine, with note indicating this was purchased in 1984. In black box frame with ochre liner, OS: 24 3/4" x 12 3/4", SS

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Aug 24, 2017