Johann Baptist Drechsler (after) (? - ?)
SEK 1,500 - SEK 2,000
9.3 cm - 9.3 cm (3.66 in - 3.66 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 26/03/2012
Mar 25, 2012
SEK 1,500 - SEK 2,000
9.3 cm - 9.3 cm (3.66 in - 3.66 in)
Signedin to unlock
Mar 25, 2012

Still life - Vase of mixed flowers and fruit on a stone ledge

Oil Painting
21 cm - 31 cm
(8.27 in - 12.2 in)

Bouquet of Flowers

Oil on canvas
62 cm - 49 cm
(24.41 in - 19.29 in)

Blumenstillleben mit Rosen,Tulpen,Wicken

Gouache on paper
32.5 cm - 29.5 cm
(12.8 in - 11.61 in)

Obststillleben mit Rose und Vogel

Mixed Technique on paper
26.5 cm - 38 cm
(10.43 in - 14.96 in)

Obststillleben mit Blumen und Vogelnest

Mixed Technique on paper
26.5 cm - 38 cm
(10.43 in - 14.96 in)

An arrangement of flowers in a classical vase, with a birds nest upon a ledge

Oil on canvas
63.3 cm - 47.8 cm
(24.92 in - 18.82 in)

A bouquet of flowers in a glass vase

Oil on canvas, laid down on panel
50 cm - 39 cm
(19.68 in - 15.35 in)