Toi et Moi, Peu Importe
Loïg DAGEGEN (1977 - ?)
€200 - €300
Ink and colored pencils on paper, wood, acrylic and glass
Works on paper
20 cm - 0 cm (7.87 in - 0 in)
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Vente Caritative au Profit de L'AMFE (Association Maladies Foie Enfants)
Apr 01, 2016
Toi et Moi, Peu Importe
€200 - €300
Ink and colored pencils on paper, wood, acrylic and glass
Works on paper
20 cm - 0 cm (7.87 in - 0 in)
Signedin to unlock
Rossini SVV | Paris
Apr 01, 2016