Panorama of Naples, the Bay beyond; and Three Vedute of Naples
Antonio Senape (Italian, 1788 - 1850)
€700 - €1,000
Pencil , pen and brown and black ink, brown wash, on three joined sheets of paper
Works on paper
24.2 cm - 107.1 cm (9.53 in - 42.17 in)
9 ½ x 42 ½ in. (24.2 x 107.1 cm.) and 9 7⁄8 x 14 5⁄8 in. (25 x 37 cm.) in giltwood frames

Signedin to unlock
Philip Hewat-Jaboor: An Eye for the Magnificent
Feb 07, 2024
Panorama of Naples, the Bay beyond; and Three Vedute of Naples
€700 - €1,000
Pencil , pen and brown and black ink, brown wash, on three joined sheets of paper
Works on paper
24.2 cm - 107.1 cm (9.53 in - 42.17 in)
9 ½ x 42 ½ in. (24.2 x 107.1 cm.) and 9 7⁄8 x 14 5⁄8 in. (25 x 37 cm.) in giltwood frames

Signedin to unlock
Christie's | London
Feb 07, 2024

"Nizza della Strada de Genova": Wanderer blicken vom Colline du Château auf Nizza und die Baie des Anges.

Feather in dark blue and black on wove paper
23.6 cm - 27.7 cm
(9.29 in - 10.91 in)

Vue de la baie et de la ville de Naples depuis San Martino

27.5 cm - 156 cm
(10.83 in - 61.42 in)

Panorama of the Gulf of Pozzuoli seen from the West

Pen and grey and blue ink, on four joined sheets
23.5 cm - 125 cm
(9.25 in - 49.21 in)

Amalfi, Catania, Scilla da Calabria, and Chiatamone and the Castel dell'Ovo

Ink on paper
17.8 cm - 29.2 cm
(7.01 in - 11.5 in)

Vue de Naples

Bronze on paper
19 cm - 29 cm
(7.48 in - 11.42 in)

Blick auf Cosenza in Kalabrien (Veduta di Cosen...

15.8 cm - 22.4 cm
(6.22 in - 8.82 in)

Napoli Preso da due Poste

20.5 cm - 25 cm
(8.07 in - 9.84 in)

Veduta di Sorrento

20.5 cm - 50 cm
(8.07 in - 19.68 in)