Commère et compère.
Paul Gavarni (French, 1804 - 1866)
€150 - €200
Crayon watercolor ON PAPER
Works on paper
22 cm - 10 cm (8.66 in - 3.94 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 27/05/2015
May 26, 2015
Commère et compère.
€150 - €200
Crayon watercolor ON PAPER
Works on paper
22 cm - 10 cm (8.66 in - 3.94 in)
Signedin to unlock
Morand & Morand | Paris
May 26, 2015

Après la fête

Oil on canvas
73 cm - 59.5 cm
(28.74 in - 23.43 in)

Le ballon perdu

39.9 cm - 28.9 cm
(15.71 in - 11.38 in)

Les deux pierrots.

29 cm - 21 cm
(11.42 in - 8.27 in)

Self-Portrait with Cigarette

Lithograph on chine colle
8.75 cm - 6 cm
(3.44 in - 2.36 in)

Caricature of a man

Drawing ink and watercolour on paper
20 cm - 13 cm
(7.87 in - 5.12 in)

An Italian rustic

Watercolor and bodycolour over chalk
12.5 cm - 9 cm
(4.92 in - 3.54 in)

Une bone histoire

Watercolor pen and ink
18.5 cm - 16.5 cm
(7.28 in - 6.5 in)

Le Diable à Paris / Paris et les Parisiens.

573 cm - 720 cm
(225.59 in - 283.46 in)