I then donned swimming togs and went to scrub and rub at the sixteen and make sure that every trace of grime vanished
Peter Mcintyre (New Zealander, 1910 - 1995)
Ink and graphite on paper
Works on paper
50 cm - 41 cm (19.68 in - 16.14 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 06/12/2017
Dec 05, 2017
I then donned swimming togs and went to scrub and rub at the sixteen and make sure that every trace of grime vanished
Ink and graphite on paper
Works on paper
50 cm - 41 cm (19.68 in - 16.14 in)
Signedin to unlock
Dec 05, 2017

Blue Eyed Boy with Koala

Oil on canvas
70 cm - 60 cm
(27.56 in - 23.62 in)

Architectural Sculptures

50.5 cm - 73.5 cm
(19.88 in - 28.94 in)

Circus Tent

48 cm - 40.5 cm
(18.9 in - 15.94 in)

Kareka, eh Champion

Ink and graphite on paper
50 cm - 41 cm
(19.68 in - 16.14 in)

Ranged themselves in lines and presented their Maori action songs

Ink and graphite on paper
50 cm - 41 cm
(19.68 in - 16.14 in)

Steam billowed from the volcano, and mushroomed above

Ink and graphite on paper
50 cm - 41 cm
(19.68 in - 16.14 in)

Round Up

Oil on board
56 cm - 94 cm
(22.05 in - 37.01 in)

The auctioneer held up a loaf of bread and started off

Ink and graphite on paper
50 cm - 41 cm
(19.68 in - 16.14 in)