Silhouette of a gentleman, wearing a tricorn hat, his hair worn en queue
Walter Jorden (British, 1776 - 1786)
19 cm - 12.5 cm (7.48 in - 4.92 in)
Signedin to unlock
Auction 24/02/2009
Feb 23, 2009
Silhouette of a gentleman, wearing a tricorn hat, his hair worn en queue
19 cm - 12.5 cm (7.48 in - 4.92 in)
Signedin to unlock
Bonhams | Knowle
Feb 23, 2009

Silhouette of a gentleman, wearing a tricorn hat, his hair worn en queue

Glass Painted on glass over a plaster background
19 cm - 12.5 cm
(7.48 in - 4.92 in)

A silhouette of a Lady

Painting on glass backed with plaster, turned wood frame.
10.6 cm - 0 cm
(4.17 in - 0 in)

A silhouette of a Lady, profile to the left, wearing lace collar, her large outdoor hat adorned with ribbons and feathers, her h

Painting on the reverse of flat glass, turned wood frame, oval
8.3 cm - 0 cm
(3.27 in - 0 in)

on the reverse of flat glass

Painting on the reverse of flat glass
0 cm - 0 cm
(0 in - 0 in)