Crayon and watercolours on paper
18.5 cm - 13 cm (7.28 in - 5.12 in)
Estimated price : €150 - €200
Sold for: Signedin to unlock
Tajan - Paris,May 12, 2015
12 cm - 22.5 cm (4.72 in - 8.86 in)
Estimated price : -
B.V. Venduehuis der Notarissen - The Hague,Apr 30, 2015
Crayon and watercolor on paper
Estimated price : €300 - €400
Tajan - Paris,Nov 04, 2014
Watercolor PENCIL
24 cm - 23.5 cm (9.45 in - 9.25 in)
Dreweatt Neate - Berkshire,Oct 20, 2014
Oil on copper
24 cm - 19 cm (9.45 in - 7.48 in)
Moore Allen & Innocent - Gloucestershire,Feb 27, 2014
Moore Allen & Innocent - Gloucestershire,Oct 24, 2013
Sanguine and crayon
24 cm - 33 cm (9.45 in - 12.99 in)
Estimated price : €200 - €300
ADER - Paris,Jun 07, 2013
Oil on canvas
110 cm - 70 cm (43.31 in - 27.56 in)
Estimated price : €8,000 - €10,000
Millon & Associes - Paris,Nov 23, 2010
Realized Price $56,188
Min Estimate $89,644
Max Estimate $124,937
There are currently no signatures by Charles Edouard De Beaumont listed.