Auction 24/06/2014

  • Lancashire, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Capes Dunn | Jun 23 2014 , Jun 23 2014
  • Total lots estimates: £15,625 - £21,830
  • Sale total: £8,030
  • % Lots Sold: 48.28%
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Stormy coastal scene with figures on the shore, a lighthouse beyond

Oil on canvas
30.5 cm - 61 cm (12.01 in - 24.02 in)
Lot: # 237

The cascade at Tivoli, a figure lying in the foreground

Oil on canvas
45.5 cm - 66 cm (17.91 in - 25.98 in)
Lot: # 238


Oil on canvas
28 cm - 23.5 cm (11.02 in - 9.25 in)
Lot: # 239

A landscape at dusk with a gamekeeper apprehending a poacher, a snared rabbit in hand

Oil on canvas
75 cm - 62 cm (29.53 in - 24.41 in)
Lot: # 240

Portrait o Henry Frederick Howard

Oil on canvas
40.5 cm - 30.5 cm (15.94 in - 12.01 in)
Lot: # 245

Half length portrait of a lady with lace work

Oil on canvas
83.2 cm - 71.7 cm (32.76 in - 28.23 in)
Lot: # 246

Tranquil river landscapes

Oil on canvas
48.9 cm - 74.3 cm (19.25 in - 29.25 in)
Lot: # 248

Brown nude

Oil on board
122 cm - 91.5 cm (48.03 in - 36.02 in)
Lot: # 250

Highland river landscape

Oil on canvas
24.1 cm - 37.5 cm (9.49 in - 14.76 in)
Lot: # 253

Middle Eastern street scene with numerous figures

Oil on canvas
30.5 cm - 44.5 cm (12.01 in - 17.52 in)
Lot: # 257

A half-length study of a scantily draped female, a posy of flowers in the left hand

Oil on canvas
27.5 cm - 22.5 cm (10.83 in - 8.86 in)
Lot: # 258

Grandpa's Stories

Oil on canvas
30.5 cm - 24 cm (12.01 in - 9.45 in)
Lot: # 260

Fisher folk being consoled

Oil on panel
12.7 cm - 17.8 cm (5 in - 7.01 in)
Lot: # 261

Figures on path in a mountainous landscape

Oil on canvas
33.7 cm - 51.5 cm (13.27 in - 20.28 in)
Lot: # 263


Oil on board
59.7 cm - 39.4 cm (23.5 in - 15.51 in)
Lot: # 269


Oil on board
59.7 cm - 39.4 cm (23.5 in - 15.51 in)
Lot: # 270

River scene at dusk with laden barges and thatched dwelling in the foreground

Oil on canvas
50.8 cm - 71.1 cm (20 in - 27.99 in)
Lot: # 274

'Springtime', two horses pulling a plough, farm buildings beyond

18 cm - 25.5 cm (7.09 in - 10.04 in)
Lot: # 275

Still life - punnet of grapes and other fruits on a mossy bank

21.5 cm - 30.5 cm (8.46 in - 12.01 in)
Lot: # 276