Auction 04/10/2006 , #4051

  • London, South Kensington , United Kingdom
  • Christie's | Oct 03 2006 , Oct 03 2006
  • Total lots estimates: £188,300 - £275,550
  • Sale total: £193,644
  • % Lots Sold: 63.16%
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A collision at Kew Bridge

Pencil pen and grey ink and watercolour
27 cm - 43.2 cm (10.63 in - 17.01 in)
Lot: # 868

The haycart

Pencil and watercolour
16.5 cm - 22.3 cm (6.5 in - 8.78 in)
Lot: # 869

View near Cardigan, South Wales

Pen and grey ink and watercolour
12.7 cm - 16.5 cm (5 in - 6.5 in)
Lot: # 870

Watching the stagecoach

Watercolor and bodycolour
27.3 cm - 34.9 cm (10.75 in - 13.74 in)
Lot: # 871

An illustration to Oliver Goldsmith's 'The Deserted Village': On the way to market

Pen and brown ink and watercolour
12.6 cm - 9 cm (4.96 in - 3.54 in)
Lot: # 872

Landscape with cattle grazing before a castle

22 cm - 30.5 cm (8.66 in - 12.01 in)
Lot: # 874

Escaping the rainstorm

Pen and brown ink and watercolour
24.5 cm - 38.1 cm (9.65 in - 15 in)
Lot: # 875

Crossing the bridge, on the way to market

23 cm - 30.5 cm (9.06 in - 12.01 in)
Lot: # 876

The windmill

Pen and black ink and watercolour
19.6 cm - 28.5 cm (7.72 in - 11.22 in)
Lot: # 877

Romantic landscape with figures in the foreground

Pencil and watercolour heightened with gum arabic, oval
29.9 cm - 45 cm (11.77 in - 17.72 in)
Lot: # 878

Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire

Pencil and watercolour
29.2 cm - 42.5 cm (11.5 in - 16.73 in)
Lot: # 879

A bend in the river

Pencil and watercolour
17.8 cm - 25.4 cm (7.01 in - 10 in)
Lot: # 880


Pencil and watercolour with scratching out
24.8 cm - 34.3 cm (9.76 in - 13.5 in)
Lot: # 881

Fisherfolk on the shore below Dover Castle

Pencil and watercolour
19 cm - 25.4 cm (7.48 in - 10 in)
Lot: # 882

Views of Bavella (one illustrated); Piana; and Valdomello

Pen and brown ink and watercolour, four in two frames
9 cm - 10.5 cm (3.54 in - 4.13 in)
Lot: # 883

Study of goats (illustrated); Figures in a landscape; and Cattle before a barn

Pencil 3 items, unframed
16.5 cm - 26.8 cm (6.5 in - 10.55 in)
Lot: # 884

Past the starting post; and Mounting up (illustrated)

Pencil and watercolour - 2 items
29.8 cm - 38.1 cm (11.73 in - 15 in)
Lot: # 885

Figures in an arcadian landscape

Pencil and watercolour with scratching out
19 cm - 26.7 cm (7.48 in - 10.51 in)
Lot: # 886

A classical urn in the park

Pencil and watercolour
17.8 cm - 15.2 cm (7.01 in - 5.98 in)
Lot: # 887

A harbour scene at Angers

Pencil and watercolour with touches of white heightening
17.2 cm - 24.1 cm (6.77 in - 9.49 in)
Lot: # 888