Auction 07/12/2006 , #402s

  • Total lots estimates: €443,900 -
  • Sale total:
  • % Lots Sold: 0.00%
  • 7
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  • 3
  • 2
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  • 1
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  • 125
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Saint Casimir, Patron Saint of Poland and Lithuania in Adoration of the Madonna

Oil on canvas on canvas
145 cm - 89.5 cm (57.09 in - 35.24 in)
Lot: # 1163

An extensive river landscape

Oil on canvas
78 cm - 131 cm (30.71 in - 51.57 in)
Lot: # 1166

An extensive river landscape

Oil on canvas
78 cm - 131 cm (30.71 in - 51.57 in)
Lot: # 1166

Louis XIV

Oil on canvas on canvas
61 cm - 45 cm (24.02 in - 17.72 in)
Lot: # 1167

Louis XV

Oil on canvas on canvas
82 cm - 65 cm (32.28 in - 25.59 in)
Lot: # 1168

Still life with various silver and golden plates, vessels and fruits

Oil on canvas on canvas
87 cm - 102 cm (34.25 in - 40.16 in)
Lot: # 1169

Lady Wantage

Oil on oak
74 cm - 59 cm (29.13 in - 23.23 in)
Lot: # 1170

Interior scene with a lady and her maid

Oil on oak
23 cm - 29 cm (9.06 in - 11.42 in)
Lot: # 1171

Louis XV

Oil on canvas on canvas
88 cm - 77 cm (34.65 in - 30.31 in)
Lot: # 1172

A still life with flowers and fruits and a perroquet and various insects on a ledge

Oil on canvas on canvas
28.5 cm - 44 cm (11.22 in - 17.32 in)
Lot: # 1173

Old man beside a fire

Oil on pannel,2Item
33.5 cm - 26.5 cm (13.19 in - 10.43 in)
Lot: # 1174

Still life with a chicken.

Oil on canvas
53 cm - 73 cm (20.87 in - 28.74 in)
Lot: # 1177


Oil on canvas on canvas
89 cm - 128.5 cm (35.04 in - 50.59 in)
Lot: # 1181

River Neva with the buildings of the admiralty and the academy of science

Etching Coloured etching
42 cm - 134 cm (16.54 in - 52.76 in)
Lot: # 1220
Lot: # 1222

Genre scene in the bedroom

Oil on canvas
45 cm - 58 cm (17.72 in - 22.83 in)
Lot: # 1224

Russian landscape

Oil on landscape
17 cm - 20 cm (6.69 in - 7.87 in)
Lot: # 1227

Wintry forest track with a forester's lodge at sunset.

Oil on canvas
22 cm - 31 cm (8.66 in - 12.2 in)
Lot: # 1228

In the splendid parlour of a palace a baby is delighted by a doll of Punchinello.

Oil on canvas
60 cm - 88 cm (23.62 in - 34.65 in)
Lot: # 1229

Lovers under a tree

Oil on canvas
16 cm - 38 cm (6.3 in - 14.96 in)
Lot: # 1230